Videos from our Truth Examined YouTube Channel

What is Truth?
Today, there is much deception regarding the topic of truth. In this video, we examine some of those false ideas and compare them with the actual definition and nature of truth. We will also look at the foundational source of all truth!

Probablities for the Prophecies of Jesus
Of the over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament of the Bible, Jesus Christ fulfilled every one of them! This graphics presentation shows the probability of any person being able to fulfill just 8 or 48 of these prophecies and lists the Bible scriptures for these prophecies and fulfillments.

25 Reasons to Share the Gospel
Jesus said, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. This video was created with the purpose of motivating and encouraging believers in Jesus to share the gospel with the unsaved.

Are You Ready?
The Bible teaches that there is a day approaching soon when believers in Jesus all over the world will be taken up to heaven... in an instant! This event is commonly known as the rapture of the church. This video presents the many things that will occur following the rapture during the 7-year tribulation period, such as worldwide disasters, famines, various plagues, the rise of the antichrist, the mark of the beast, a one world government and currency, globalism, and the second coming of Christ!

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